We've been conducting security assessment for years, and now we offer the first-ever cost-effective web application manual security assessment.
Find security errors with manual assessment and Gujian scanner. In Gujian we have automated most labor-intensive tasks with highly sophisticated tooling. Get access to Gujian used by pentesters and security professionals around the world.
Hunt vulnerabilities from the attackers perspective. Simulating real world penetration scenarios and proving impact for each security issue instead of presenting reports with false positives.
Reports show that 80% of web applications are, in fact, vulnerable if checked manually. Real security assessment are mostly done manually by highly skilled IT security experts. A manual assessment provides much more coverage and value
Most online web applications are continuously probed for vulnerabilities by different kinds of bots and scanners every hour. In other words, your adversary is already conducting vulnerability scanning for you.
We build confidence by providing professional consulting at every interaction with our customers. The outcome of every security assessment is a detailed risk posture of your online applications, and is threefold:
There are several questions we shall consider and agree upon before we start:
A good success record: